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Request was ECMA *350
Search option was acronym
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These are the results of your search:

CLI Common Language Infrastructure (MS, .NET, ECMA, CLI)

CSTA Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications (ECMA, CTI)

DDS Digital Data Storage (Sony, HP, DAT, ISO, ANSI, ECMA, Streamer)

E4X Ecmascript for XML (ECMA, XML)

ECMA European Computer Manufacturers Association (Org., Europa)

HERODE Handling the Electronic Representation of mixed text - image Office Documents based on ECMA standard 101 (ESPRIT, SNI, TITN, ECMA, ODA)

ISEE Integrated Software Engineering Environment [reference model] (NIST, ECMA, CASE)

ODA Office Document Architecture [protocol] (RFC 1197, ISO 8613, JTC1, ECMA)

PDC Power Disk Cartridge (ECMA)

PISN Private Integrated Services Network (ECMA)

RPC Remote Procedure Call (Sun, Xerox, OSF, ECMA, RFC 1831)

UDO Ultra Density Optical (Plasmon, HP, ECMA 350, ISO/IEC 17345)

A total of 12 terms has been found.

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I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.


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[Tue April 30 07:48 2024]